
Stillborn Diz - RED MOON ERA

The Black Slumber Of The Vampire...
Stillborn Diz - RED MOON ERA CD is out now!

RED MOON ERA is the 2nd album of the Stillborn Diz band.
This dark album about death, disappointment, pain, loneliness, sadness, anger, slumber, hell... All this ingredients in the one gothic romance... The painful story...

It dedicated for all people who suffer around the world, for all dears who was gone away from us, for cruel and cold angel of death, for human's hot hearts...

Please, don't forget about kindness for your dears and for people around you...
Please, don't forget about death...
Please smile now for your friends and family..
Just be yourself.

And, please, enjoy the album!!

Listen full album for free here: 
(and also in player below)

If you want to download or buy CD:

Red Moon Era also available at iTunes, Amazon, eMusic and many other places. 

Always thanks for your support!

your Daniel Vice